Just in case you haven’t noticed, but I live for the wonderfully bright wardrobe statement pieces. They just make me HAPPY! However, there is JUST ONE downside to these lovely pieces…you cannot wear them as often. : ( Any who, back to happiness as I refuse to dwell on the not so cool things! It was around this time two years ago that I was working at a lovely little boutique and day spa, and during my time there I had the opportunity to discover lots of amazing lines and acquire pieces that I probably wouldn’t have found on my own! Like this little Jackie O inspired gem.




Maylene was such a rockstar. Posing and everything. You go Maylene. 


In hopes of keeping the focus on the dress, I accented it with bronzy browns. And surprisingly, I had all of these accessories in my collection prior to purchasing the dress. 


Ok, the lipstick! I’ve had quite a few people to ask me what brand of nude lipstick I wear. Guess what? It’s not lipstick. I just use the excess foundation from my foundation brush and apply it to my lips and finish it with gloss by Secret Agent Beauty (via Birchbox).  It’s wonderful and totally works.


My advice for you today? Don’t be afraid to purchase things just because they make you HAPPY! I know simple. It’s nice to be able to look at things in your closet and remember the exact moment and reason why you purchased them. I find it amazingly satisfying and would encourage you to do the same. And guess what? That’s all that I have for ya. Happy.

Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do

                                                       -Pharrell Williams

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1 comment

  1. You are doing such a great job with this blog. I love the picture of you and Maylene. Actually, I like all of the pictures. What a great idea—using what makes one happy. Love and hugs to the “Oh, those Reads”.

    Jeanine Halada

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