And the pants exploration adventure continues! Just the other day I received a sale e-mail from J. Crew Factory, so I decided to take a peek knowing that I didn’t need to spend any money on clothing, and of course I “fashion imprinted” on something! Yup, I should have known that would happen, because it happens every stinking time. Any who, I discovered these really awesome smoke grey, toothpick jeans for just $25. Not my typical jean style or color, so I definitely had to get them. Like a kid at the candy store, I waited in anticipation for these babies to come in the mail only to discover that I didn’t like how they fit. But it was in that moment that I reminded myself that’s kinda why I ordered them…ha.



I’m still experimenting with the crop top trend! Some days I love it, and other days I hate it. This was one of those days when I LOVED it. I’ve decided that crop tops are best paired with high waisted bottoms. You show wayyy less skin and contrary to popular belief, modesty is important! You don’t want to be the cupcake in the room….just a thought! 



Because gold accents are awesome!

I love how this bright statement necklace enhances the print of the top! I never really noticed the uniqueness of the pattern until I 
paired it with this necklace.



Look at that beautiful latte art! Best coffee shop ever. If you are ever in Downtown Raleigh, you definitely need to visit this place. Amaze balls!  



So, the next time you make a purchase only to discover that it’s not want you REALLY want, be sure to give it a fighting chance. You may be pleasantly surprised as to how awesome you can make it look! But remember to give it time. Trying to style said item for one day and tossing it out or sending back isn’t a fighting chance. lol. Time, time, and more time : )

Get The Look Details: 




1 comment

  1. The last picture is my favorite. I love the necklace with the top. You are absolutely right about how it enhances the top. Keep up the great work on the blog. I have so enjoyed reading your style advice. Now I wish you would come to the high school and give this advice to some (most) (all) of the girls here. There is certainly a difference in looking classy rather than trashy–and many of our lovely young ladies venture toward the trashy side. Hugs to you, Mrs. Read. I do miss you here in Bainbridge.

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