Last week was insanely busy! I mean so busy that you don’t really sleep at night. Yeah, that busy. Any who, my goal was just to make it to Thursday, as I knew that I would have some quality downtime with my sister-in-law, Katelyn, on our day trip to Kentucky! As we commenced on our 8 hour roundtrip adventure, we discovered a beautiful disaster.  Of course, we had to stop, marvel, take a few pictures and partake of a hillbilly hotdog.

Junk In Treasures

Junk In Treasures

Random Side Note: For those of you who don’t know, I have a very weird obsession with hotdogs! I absolutely love them (all beef of course). Wanna know the way to my heart? A grilled hotdog! Just ask my husband. #firstworldproblems #reallife

Junk In Treasures

Junk In TreasuresI call these my $2 dollar pants! I got them from Old Navy back in November for just $2. I had no clue how I would style them, but I just couldn’t say no to that price. I love clearance shopping! It makes my heart happy : )

Junk In Treasures

Junk In Treasures I got a new chambray from Madewell! I was a tiny bit hesitant about the color, but I desperately needed a new one, so I just got it! What I love about this one, in comparison to the other Madewell chambray I have, is the fact that it’s LINEN and linen is much more breathable than denim. I would highly recommend this particular chambray for spring/summer. It comes in two different washes! 

Junk In Treasures I love these little earrings! The colors are beyond perfect for spring/summer. And most importantly…they aren’t heavy. BONUS! 

Junk In Treasures

Whenever you see something that is TREMENDOUSLY DISCOUNTED, you should totally purchase it. Building a great wardrobe is about practicality and getting the biggest bang for your buck (i.e. discount shopping!). So, don’t be ashamed to raid the clearance section at Old Navy (or anywhere)…there is always junk in treasures.

Get The Look Details:


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