As most of you guys know, I have a dance background. So naturally, I love anything that is long, has movement and is pleated. In March 2013 I saw pictures of my sister-in-law, Katelyn, wearing a ballet pink, pleated maxi for one of her performances. I immediately texted and said, “I need that skirt! Where did you get it?” To my surprise but not to my surprise she spilled the beans…”TJ MAXX! Why of course?” lol. Seeing that every TJ Maxx has different inventory, she promised to go and see if they had another one and guess what?!? THEY DID! Before Katelyn even confirmed if they had another or not, I already knew how I wanted to style this skirt. However, it has taken until NOW for me to get it just RIGHT! I had most of the pieces I needed to create this “Military Chic'” look, but it just didn’t feel complete until I received this perfectly cropped military jacket.

Military Chic’






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This is my “GO TO” handbag and I just adore it! It’s the perfect color and shape.


Swimsuit shoes from Miss Georgia that I hand painted to make them more flesh colored.



For this particular ensemble I found it very important to find contrasting, yet complimenting pieces for the maxi skirt. I do believe that most girls would simply throw on a t-shirt or  a chambray without any additional layering or accessories and with a skirt this beautiful, it is extremely important that you make it the OBVIOUS STATEMENT PIECE, or it just looks like another maxi skirt.

So you already know that the skirt was my foundation piece! From there, I immediately knew that I wanted to wear a jean button down and thin belt, which is very similar to how Katelyn wore it when I first spotted the skirt! I started off with a C. Wonder jean button, but the color and the shape just did not work…it was too dark and too big! So that was $98 wasted, even though I thought I really loved it! Needless to say, I don’t own it anymore. It had to go. Later this past summer I purchased a more fitted and lighter colored chambray from Madewell and it is absolutely perfect. My primary motivation for purchasing the Madewell chambray was just so I could wear it with this awesome pleated skirt! And it worked! Seeing that I desired to created a military-esque look, I knew that I had to include brown, gray and hunter green..camouflage colors. However, my mind just kept drifting to the cheetah print. lol. To be honest, I hate camouflage…so I am thinking that my fashionista brain has just converted all thoughts of camouflage into cheetah print and I am ok with that. With that being said…I added the Express cheetah print belt. From that point I then layered the look with the hunter green military jacket and threw on my “GO TO” jewelry pieces. I can promise you that I will probably be rocking this jewelry into the next century. I love them that much! For finishing touches I added the Michael Kors gray Hamilton bag and Fredrico Leone taupe sandals. The handbag not only added a color dynamic that I needed, but it also added another texture..leather! Which makes this a perfect summer to fall transitional look. As for the taupe sandals, I wanted footwear that did not take away from the skirt, which meant it had to be minimal in color and design. And these shoes do exactly that! Oh yes, and no “Military Chic'” look is complete unless you are rocking aviator sunnies.

Ok, the fashion moral of the story is…when creating a military chic’ ensemble, DO NOT be afraid to mix match soft feminine colors and fabrics with dark masculine colors and fabrics.  Although the process may take longer, you are bound to find (or I guess I should say, “create”) something amazingly awesome and unique to your personal style.

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