I love that moment when you walk into a store, see something and KNOW that you absolutely have to have it. To be honest that happens to me almost every time I walk into a store…it’s almost like imprinting (yes, that is a reference to the Twilight Saga…ha). But imprinting on a new piece of clothing isn’t particularly awesome when you are on a budget. You just stand there trying to convince yourself about how you are going to persuade your husband that this purchase is indeed necessary. It’s during that moment that I usually have to slap myself back to reality, put everything back, and just leave! The temptation to buy it just becomes consuming…(I sound like a drug addict) ugh! Any who, I share all of that to say, that I “fashion imprinted” on this cozy, oatmeal colored sweater from Kohls. Sadly, I had already spent all of my January allowance, but then I remembered I had some Kohls Cash (praise the Lord for Kohls Cash) from Christmas shopping and a gift card from a previous return! I think that God knew I would want this sweater and was looking out for me! Just saying…lol. Here’s a Retro In Snow with imagery by Kimberly J.

Retro In Snow 


Snow immediately requires a puffer jacket. It’s the only way to truly stay warm, if you ask me. Also, I wanted to highlight the contrast in the two different hoods. One is more warm and soft while the other has more industrial, high fashion feel…combined, they create this “RETRO” concept that I am quite fond of. 





To further develop this retro concept, I knew that the look would need more textile differentiation. And nothing screams retro like…LEATHER. So, I added my eggplant faux leather jeans by American Eagle and this little cheapo purse from TJ Maxx. Not only do these two things change the overall aesthetic of the outfit, but it also adds a pop of color. 



This purse. Only $25 bucks from TJ Maxx. The coloring is just perfect. 


Another glorified TJ Maxx find. I snagged these Pink and Pepper boots for just $20. I’m completely obsessed with the color (deep burgundy) and the fact that they are patent leather! I even had a military guy from church say that if he was a girl he would totally rock them…I consider that a huge compliment.  Thank you Chris Jenkins! 


Oldies, but goodies. Just in case you haven’t figured it out, I am partial to Ray-Ban sunglasses. Their frames are classic yet unique and extremely durable. When my Ray-Ban craze began, I purchased these puppies first! I love that the gradient lenses have a purplish hue that closely resembles the eggplant pant. 



This is just an easy little look that I threw together! So today’s #GTLT moral includes a couple of reminders from a previous blog:

1. Don’t be afraid to mix textiles!

2. Experiment with unique color combinations.

3. Shop the sale racks…you get more bang for your buck!

Get The Look Details: 

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