The weather here in West Virginia is beginning to shape up! The sun is shining a little brighter and everyone has an extra pep in their step. It’s awesome!!!  I’m pretty sure (myself include) that everybody was giving up on the idea of Spring. This winter has been beyond nasty. Uggghh.

With the weather being so wonderful, I figured it was high time that I shared a more casual look with you guys. And I don’t what else screams causal like a cream colored v-neck, boyfriend jeans and ankle booties.

Simple M-47



I have come to the conclusion that every woman on planet earth needs to have a dark lip color. There’s just something about it that’s both mysterious and feminine. As you can already guess…I’m obsessed. I discovered this beautiful lip color late one night while YouTube stalking Maskcara (thanks to Katelyn Read!). HERE is the tutorial. Because application is EVERYTHING when it comes to applying darker lipsticks.


No hair extensions = HIGH BUNS. WINNING.  Ok, I know some of you may be shocked right now. I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell you guys, but I didn’t know how.  So there you have it…THE TRUTH. Candace Read wears hair extensions on the regular. 


 This is my “I hope you still like me, even though I wear hair extensions” face. LOL.


Location recommendation courtesy of my lovely photographer and friend, Kimberly Jones.  When we discussed this location, I immediately pictured more of a casual everyday look. Ironically, Kim had envisioned the exact same thing. When I got out of the car (aka my on location dressing room), Kim was like “OMG, that’s exactly the type of outfit I had pictured for this location.” What can we say…great minds think alike!  P.S. I’ve had a few people to ask me about Kim’s work. Be sure to skip on over to and shoot her a private message thru the online contact form. You can ask her anything about her photography (i.e. her camera, editing software, and etc). 



Until recently, I’ve always been pretty nervous about wearing multiple rings, but as you know rings are all the buzz in jewelry land! So slowly I’ve been adding rings to my collection and I must admit…they are really growing on me! I like to keep my left hand pretty simple because of my wedding rings…Jason did such a good job and they deserve to be a statement all by themselves!!  But with the right hand…I go a little crazy. I snagged the arrow midi ring from Nordstrom’s this past weekend for just $6. Also, the silver ring on my right ring finger is a monogrammed piece I’ve had since high school that I combined with a few rings from the Henri Bendel’s deluxe ring stack. And oh yes, you already know I feel about the Delicate Raymond vintage monogram necklace. Another one of those things that every women needs. 


These Zara booties are pushing 2 years old! I recently took them to the cobbler for a little TLC and they are as good as new. So before throwing out a pair of your fav shoes be sure to take them to the cobbler and see if he can save them. In most cases…HE CAN!



This bag was one of my first big kid purchases. I had been working 12 hour days on a movie set all summer (2010) and decided that I deserved a treat! After a couple of days of window shopping, I picked this lovely Ivanka Trump handbag. I liked the shape, the color, and the strap. Perfect for summer. However, after two months of carrying it, the bag began to unravel and fray on the straps. Needless to say, but I wasn’t a happy camper. Also, I should note that I take EXTREMELY GOOD CARE of my things.  So here are my personal thoughts on Ivanka Trump bags…they look great, but are poorly made. Don’t spend the money on it or if you decide to…wait until you can find for cheap at TJ Maxx. 


This shirt. Extremely comfortable. Another recent purchase from Nordstrom. And here’s the best part…it’s oversized. Perfect for butt coverage.

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Ok, so you’re probably wondering what in the heck is today’s fashion moral? Well, it’s a rather simple piece of advice. Don’t be afraid to change it up! Naturally, I tend to gravitate towards dressing more….”dressy.” I invest a great deal of time and energy (and money…lol) into putting “dressy” outfits together for both the blog and my everyday life, which I love! However, at times I find it exhausting. So exhausting that some days I just stay in my pjs all day! Ha. One of the many luxuries of working from home.

But I have to admit…there is something so very refreshing about throwing on a pair of jeans and an oversized top. The simplicity of it is just amazing. While this isn’t a look that I would do 24/7, I love knowing that I have the ability to create a more of casual look and still incorporate a little piece of me to make it…Candace.

Get The Look Details: 

1 comment

  1. I just started wearing lipstick again last year. I went with a vampy red that I love, but I recently took the plunge into dark berry. I bought “Seductive” from VS & WOWZA! It’s dark & vampy & totally fun!

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