I hate that moment when you look in your closet and think “Ugh, I don’t have anything to wear!” Typically, I will have a mini pity party and complain to Jason about not having enough money to buy all of the new things I want (yes, want and not need). Let’s just be honest, money doesn’t grow trees, and for the average person (like me and you) our purchases must be practical, well thought out, and affordable. Any who, back to my story. After an hour of complaining and shedding a few tears, I usually go back to the closet in hopes of finding something that I can recreate and make it look wonderful! Well, the last time this happened was just 3 weeks ago only hours before a photo session with Kim! Panic and anxiety had set in, but thankfully my eyes met with this navy blue Ralph Lauren blazer that I purchased years ago. It was in that moment that I found my wardrobe muse.

The Cavern 

The Cavern

 Kim and I adventured thru crazy grassy land and hiked up a mini mountain to get to this location. It was pretty intense journey, but worth it for this amazing view!  P.S. I promised I ironed this dress! With all of the walking and hiking it got wrinkly. #firstworldproblems #reallife

The Cavern

The Cavern

 Because popping your collar is awesome! And yes, I recommend that you do this on the regular. 

The Cavern

The Cavern

The Cavern

For this look, I wanted the blazer to remain the focal point. So naturally, I paired the rich blue with subdued earth tone colors! It makes the blue appear even richer! Also, to highlight the gold Ralph Lauren emblem (my most favorite part of the jacket), I added lots of gold accessories.

 When you find yourself in dismay about not having anything to wear, trust me, you do! You will always, always, always find a diamond in the rough!

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