I love those moments when you’ve been dying to experience something and you finally do and it’s everything you imagined it could be and more! Well, that pretty much sums up my shopping experience at the Blue Door Boutique. It was absolutely EPIC! The decor, the service, the clothes, the EVERYTHING was just stinking perfect! I first discovered the Blue Door Boutique back when I was competing in the Miss Georgia pageant. I even ordered a dress or two from them via phone during that time, but never had the opportunity to visit their store front until two weeks ago. Naturally, I left the store with a bag full of goodies and some new friends! So here’s a really simple, yet stunning black dress that I snagged while I was there. I feel confident in saying that this dress has become my new favorite!

Under The Rails 

Under The Rails

Ok, first let’s just talk about how well this scenery photographs! Kim Jones you are a genius and this blog would be pretty dang crappy without you. Thank you for always being awesome!  

Under The Rails

Now, let’s talk clothes! What attracted me to this dress were these 3 things: 1. It’s chiffon, Perfect for summer, 2. The overlay of fabric, which gives it the effect of a top and skirt, but it’s a dress! and 3. It’s black and you can never have too many black dresses! 

Under The Rails

Under The Rails

Under The Rails

And shout out to Jason for getting me the most awesome birthday present ever! I’ve been drooling over this clutch for the last 9 months and just couldn’t bring myself to purchase it because of the price. But now that I have it, I must say it is completely worth it! And of course, it’s monogrammed because that’s just how I roll. #ilovemonograms 

Under The Rails

Under The Rails

For all of you gals who’ve been drooling over the 30 inch Vintage Monogram Delicate Raymond necklace, I’m excited to share that I also got this necklace from Delicate Raymond and it only cost $5.  Each week via Instagram, DR will post some of their unique vintage finds. I would encourage you to follow them, so you don’t miss out on these awesome finds! Also, DR is hosting a special 60% off 4th of July sale! Check it out.          Sale Code: STAR60. 

Under The Rails

Back when I was a kiddo, my mom used to wear shoes like these and just like the whole black and white thing, I vowed to never wear shoes like that! And guess what? I’m wearing them. It’s kinda fun to see how fashion comes full circle!

I would say this week’s moral is knowing that “waiting” is always, always, always worth it! Or at least that’s what I am learning these days. Stay tuned for more awesomeness from Blue Door Boutique!

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