HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY {BIRTHDAY}! | Live Love and Read

HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY {BIRTHDAY}! | Live Love and Read


HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY {BIRTHDAY}! | Live Love and Read

HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY {BIRTHDAY}! | Live Love and Read

HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY {BIRTHDAY}! | Live Love and Read

HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY {BIRTHDAY}! | Live Love and Read

HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY {BIRTHDAY}! | Live Love and Read


I cannot believe that today is November 14th! It seems just like yesterday that I was prepping the look for the blog’s 2nd birthday post. The past 365 days have been pretty incredible. Lots of opportunities have transpired and I could not be more thankful. I’m really excited to see how God continues to grow this thing, as I have 100% faith that Live Love and Read really has the potential to be something great! That being said, I just wanted to take a quick moment and thank each and every ONE of you for being a part of this journey! I seriously could not do this daily without your readership, words of affirmation and genuine kindness towards me. I know that this career pursuit is a privilege and I never want you guys to think that I’ve taken that for granted. So, cheers to 3 years. I am incredibily HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY and excited for this next year…I feel that something truly amazing awaits me.

“The things you are passionate about are not random, they are your calling.”

                                                                                                                 – Fabienne Fredrickson

Get The Look:


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