High & Low | Live Love and Read

High & Low | Live Love and Read

High & Low | Live Love and Read

High & Low | Live Love and Read

High & Low | Live Love and Read

High & Low | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES 7TH STREET STUDIOS

It’s kinda hard to believe that around this time three Mondays ago, I was running around New York City like a crazy lady. Without a doubt, New York Fashion Week is one of the most exciting weeks of my year. And yes, I’m aware that I sound like Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada. Totally my favorite fashion movie (that I used to watch 24/7). But as I was saying, New York Fashion Week is definitely one of those epic moments each year. There’s just something about the energy of the city, combined with the creativity of fashion that makes it a complete rush. Honestly, NYFW is really one of those things you simply have to experience to understand the full effect. While it is completely and utterly exhausting, each season I attend, I leave feeling refreshed, excited and invigorated to continue this passionate pursuit. Upon returning home, I typically pass out for a few days before I put any of that creative energy into motion.

Any who, one of the things that I do not think people realize about Fashion Week is how incredibly expensive it is! It’s definitely a business trip, but one that requires you to be incredibly stylish. After all, it is New York Fashion Week. One of my goals for this season, was to make this trip as cost effective as possible. One of the easiest ways I accomplished said mission was by mixing high and low end wardrobe pieces. I cannot lie, I totally would have loved going out and purchasing a brand new wardrobe just for the trip! However, that’s not realistic or consistent with the mission I’ve cultivated here on Live Love and Read.

As I grow older, I’ve found more wardrobe value by investing in quality accessories (i.g. footwear, handbags, sunglasses, etc.), as they truly have the ability to transform an outfit. So, while outfit planning and packing, I really made accessories the focal point of my style strategy. To be completely honest, I did not spend too much time developing each look. In my office, I literally made a pile of my favorite go-to accessories and made another pile of probable outfit pieces that I thought would compliment those accessories accordingly. The Friday before I took off, Alitzah and I made a run to Easton and picked up a few new pieces, including this pretty floral dress from Forever 21! For just $27 bucks, I knew this dress had potential to be awesome if paired with the right accessories. Based on the final outcome, I would have to say that I NAILED IT. Thankfully, my girlfriend Monica brought this schoolhouse bag with her on the trip, because I feel very strongly that it put the finishing touch on this dressy casual look. It’s just something about the color of this bag that makes this outfit incredibly uniformed. Originally, I had planned on carrying a much larger handbag, but Saturday was one of our busiest days in the city…and there was NO WAY I would have wanted to carry a large tote around.

I guess I’m rambling at this point. Moral of the story? Don’t be afraid to invest a few extra pennies in timeless, classic accessories. They truly have the ability to take your el cheapo dress to the next level. ha. And speaking of timeless, classic accessories, I’ve made a note to write a post entitled 5 Accessory Staples Every Woman Needs. Once you hit 25, it’s pivotal to begin investing in accessory pieces that will become forever staples in your wardrobe.

Another dose of NYFW style is coming your way tomorrow. #staytuned

Get The Look: 


  1. This dress is so incredibly gorgeous, and the floral print is beautiful. You’re so chic! I love those white shoes too. As I get older, I just find that investing in more quality pieces in general is best for me because it’s less frustrating, so I hear ya on the accessories! xx Adaleta Avdic

  2. Love the way you styled this. So chic! It’s now always easy to make a big purchase, but choosing the right investment pieces will really stretch your wardrobe. Great post!

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