Holiday READY | Live Love and READ

Holiday READY | Live Love and READ

Holiday READY | Live Love and READ

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Holiday READY | Live Love and READ

Holiday READY | Live Love and READ

Holiday READY | Live Love and READ

Holiday READY | Live Love and READ

Holiday READY | Live Love and READ


Now that Thanksgiving has officially come and gone {which I personally find sad because I love Thanksgiving}, I think it’s safe to  start talking holiday party style! Starting next weekend until the end of December, almost everyone will be attending a soiree of some sort and I wanted to be sure that I had provided some inspiration. When it comes to holiday style, I’ve never really enjoyed “fitting in.” By fitting in, I mean wearing what’s expected color wise.  For Valentines day, it’s typically red. For Christmas it’s either red or black or something of the sort. Don’t get me wrong, I often wear quintessential holiday colors, but prefer not to.

To kick things off this season, I knew I wanted to change it up! While green is without a doubt a Christmas holiday color, I feel that it is stylistically avoided. Most people feel that they cannot wear green quite like red or black. It’s not a “SAFE” color.  I hope that makes sense. Any who, with green being pretty high on my list for the holiday season, I was beyond stoked to receive this drape sleeve dress from Banana Republic. It’s just the RIGHT shade of green. Not too bright, not too muted. I espeically love how the dusty blue print and neutral piping of the print helped with breaking up the green background. In fact, its these two specific details that inspired the finishing touches of this holiday look. To further highlight the blue in the dress and add a little bit of holiday flare, I added these lovely flamenco drops. Additionally, I’ve always loved wearing jewel tones for the holidays, which made this bag from Banana Republic a perfect fit for this Holiday Ready look. And of course, I layered with a coat and scarf, because the weather here in Ohio is pretty cold (although it’s currently bipolar at the moment). I’m not sure when was the last time you took a gander at Banana Republic, but I would most definitely encourage ya to do so! Especially since we are in the holiday season. Their current selection of dresses is BOMB And speaking of bomb, Banana Republic is having a pretty dope Black Friday sale! 50% OFF FIVE REGULARLY PRICED ITEMS.Yup, you read that correct. Use code BRFIVE to get Holiday Ready!

Happy Black Friday! Try not to spend too much moo la and purchase things that can help you build that moldable wardrobe we are always talking about here on Live Love and READ!

This post is kindly brought to you by Banana Republic. All thoughts and opinions remain my own. 


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