Holidaze | Live Love and Read

Holidaze | Live Love and Read

Holidaze | Live Love and Read

Holidaze | Live Love and Read

Holidaze | Live Love and Read

Holidaze | Live Love and Read

Holidaze | Live Love and Read

Holidaze | Live Love and Read

Holidaze | Live Love and Read

Holidaze | Live Love and Read

Holidaze | Live Love and Read

Holidaze | Live Love and Read

Holidaze | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES ROOSEVELT GROUP

Wowzers. Christmas is on Friday!! I know I say this often, but really, where has time gone this year?

With 2016 on the horizon, Jason and I have spent the majority of this month assessing our lifestyle, consumption patterns, etc. in hopes of living a life that is more purposeful, fruitful and realistic. Boy, it’s been tough. Especially when the World is screaming the opposite. In one of our more recent conversations, we realized that we had dropped the ball on something huge…QUALITY TIME. Most of us, myself included, spend our lives running around like crazy trying to get everything done. While we are amongst the people that we love while doing what we love, the line of QUALITY TIME can become very blurry. We often replace quality time with the idea of coexisting…we simply feel that we are spending “time” with our family and friends because we are “with them.” Unlike “just doing life,” quality time is intentional. It’s purposeful. It’s genuine. So, as we embark upon a week that embraces the very essence of quality time with family and friends, I encourage you to really look at the meaningful relationships in your life and invest time in making those relationships all the more meaningful. Rather than falling into the holidaze that we all do, put your wallet away this week and find simple things to do with the ones you love. It can be something as simple as grabbing coffee with a girlfriend at a local coffee house and having an endless conversation about life, babies ({No, I’m not preggo, but Amanda is and due super duper soon} and much more. Without getting too ridiculously mushy or preachy, just know that you can give your family and friends something much more meaningful than a physical gift during this holiday season. You can give them your TIME!

P.S. This is my sweet friend Amanda and she’s the face of Girl About Columbus, a lifestyle blog that loves all things Columbus and Ohio! As you can see, she’s pregnant with a sweet baby girl who will be here in just a few weeks : ) Her blog is amazing and I think you will LOVE IT. Check it out HERE…GO FOLLOW HER >> @girlaboutcolumbus : )


Get The Look: 




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