image-How To Make Your Holiday Look Sparkle | Live Love and Read

How To Make Your Holiday Look Sparkle | Live Love and Read

How To Make Your Holiday Look Sparkle | Live Love and Read

How To Make Your Holiday Look Sparkle | Live Love and Read

How To Make Your Holiday Look Sparkle | Live Love and Read

How To Make Your Holiday Look Sparkle | Live Love and Read

How To Make Your Holiday Look Sparkle | Live Love and Read

How To Make Your Holiday Look Sparkle | Live Love and Read

How To Make Your Holiday Look Sparkle | Live Love and Read

How To Make Your Holiday Look Sparkle | Live Love and Read

How To Make Your Holiday Look Sparkle | Live Love and Read

How To Make Your Holiday Look Sparkle | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES ROOSEVELT GROUP

I know, I know. 13 images. In blogger world that is practically image over stimulation. haha. But the truth of the matter is, capturing quality imagery is one of my most favorite parts of being an influencer. I take great pride in how things are showcased here on Live Love and Read and often times I lean on showing you guys wayyyyy more than not. Otherwise, these pretties disappear to my external hard drive and never see the light of day. It’s kinda sad.

Just two weeks ago (ugh, December slow down), I shared some inspiration over on about how to approach giving your holiday style that little extra sparkle this year! If you are thinking accessories, then I have trained you well. ha. Oscar de la Renta once said, “A woman makes an outfit her own with accessories.” And I could not agree more. Accessories allow us to define the exclamation points of our personal style. Rather than stressing yourself about not having “the perfect” wardrobe pieces for this weekend’s holiday parties, I encourage you to think accessories instead! In this Meijer Style post, I discuss Golden Hues, the Classic Statement Earrings and of course, the Festive Bib necklace! For more inspiration, scoot on over and read the copy. I can assure you, it will be well worth the extra three minutes. And lastly, when was the last time you’ve been to Meijer? I basically make weekly trips. If you haven’t been in a while, make that a priority this weekend too. Lots of wanderlust happening in the accessories department!

This post orignially appeared on Meijer Style.


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