2014 Holiday Gift Guide for Her | Live Love and Read

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2014 Holiday Gift Guide for Him | Live Love and Read


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After weeks and weeks of procrastinating, I have managed to mail out 156 Christmas cards and complete our Christmas shopping (with the exception of one tiny thing) this week! I’m feeling quite accomplished despite the fact that I now have to wrap everything, which I absolutely hate doing. In the coming years, when I can spend how I so desire without consequence, I will probably hire someone to wrap for me. Yup, that’s how much I dislike it. Crafts were NEVER my thing. lol. I’m the girl who can’t cut in a straight line if my life depended it on it!

Yesterday Jason and I were discussing the fact that Christmas is just 7 days away, which is crazy! December has literally flown by and we’ve yet to have a real snowfall (I’m not complaining, but everyone else is). Since it’s the weekend before Christmas, I know that everyone will be out finishing up last minute Christmas shopping! In hopes of alleviating a little of that stress, I compiled a For Her and For Him gift guide to help ya out in the brainstorming department. Oh yes, most of the products pictured are from Nordstrom, which means FREE DELIVERY by Christmas Eve…woot woot!

Happy Christmas Shopping! YOU CAN DO IT : )

 This post originally appeared at Clutch MOV


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