Late Winter Sunsets | Live Love and Read

Late Winter Sunsets | Live Love and Read

Late Winter Sunsets | Live Love and Read

Late Winter Sunsets | Live Love and Read

Late Winter Sunsets | Live Love and Read

Late Winter Sunsets | Live Love and Read

Late Winter Sunsets | Live Love and Read

Late Winter Sunsets | Live Love and Read

Late Winter Sunsets | Live Love and Read

Late Winter Sunsets | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES ROOSEVELT GROUP

What originally started as a quick Instagram shoot became a full-fledged blog shoot due to the epic lighting. There is something pretty magical about late winter sunsets…especially when there is snow on the ground. One of the things I love about having Jason as my secondary photography is that we can be completely spontaneous with our shooting schedule, which often produces some of my most favorite shots. I was originally just going to archive this look, but I just couldn’t do that because I’m truly obsessed with these images. Oh, and not to mention I’ve been madly crushing on this yellow open back dress for like two years and finally found it! I remember it as if it were yesterday…I was reorganizing my Pinterest boards and stumbled upon a picture of this lovely dress and knew that I would find it one day…well thanks to Romwe that day finally came! I’m beyond excited to wear this dress in warmer temperatures, but for now I will just continue styling it a “winter to spring” transitional outfit. I already have my eye on a couple of key accessories {such as THIS and THIS} to make this a full blown spring look! Ok, Spring please hurry. I need some color in my life ASAP!


Get The Look: 


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