Marigold | Live Love and Read

Marigold | Live Love and Read

Marigold | Live Love and Read

Marigold | Live Love and Read

Marigold | Live Love and Read

Marigold | Live Love and Read

Marigold | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES ROOSEVELT GROUP

I feel pretty confident in saying that this will be our last weekend to enjoy short sleeves until Spring! Blah. Although I’m excited for holidays, I AM NOT READY for 6 months of cold, yucky weather.  And speaking of cold weather, have you guys seen all of J. Crew’s wonderful outerwear this year? Seriously amazing! I currently have my eye one a couple of things that absolutely need to find their way into my already full closet. Welp, for today’s post you will simply have to marvel at the photos, because this girl is bascially out of words…something I never thought I would say… #gradlife

Happy Friday loves! I’ll be here Monday with a brand new look and some words…a whole lot of words! ha.

Get The Look: 



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