Compensation was provided by Nestlé Coffee-mate® via Mode Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Coffee-mate®.

Oh, The Memories… Part 2 | Live Love and Read

Oh, The Memories… Part 2 | Live Love and Read

Oh, The Memories… Part 2 | Live Love and Read

Oh, The Memories… Part 2 | Live Love and Read

Oh, The Memories… Part 2 | Live Love and Read

Oh, The Memories… Part 2 | Live Love and Read

Oh, The Memories… Part 2 | Live Love and Read

Oh, The Memories… Part 2 | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES Kimberly J Photography

Back in June (on my birthday to be exact), I shared a little about Jason and my first grocery shopping experience as newlyweds. Click HERE to see the full previous post. But for those of you who remember, here’s Part 2 of Oh, the Memories.

Grocery shopping has become a bi-weekly activity in the Read casa. In fact, it’s a pretty exciting time of the month, as Jason and I both love food. We are self-proclaimed foodies. While now we have a rhythm for grocery shopping, prior to getting married, we did not … for obvious reason … we weren’t married. Needless to say, our first grocery shopping experience as man and wife was pretty memorable, as we found it near impossible to agree on any brand for our pantry. Seemingly, there was always a mini-debate for why this brand/product was better than the other. You see, Jason and I can both be stubborn at times. Hence, the mindless debating over groceries.

By the time we approached the cold section during our first grocery shopping excursion, I was mentally preparing my rebuttals as to why Nestlé Coffee-mate® creamer was the better option. To my surprise, there was no debate, as Jason most definitely agreed! The true difference of opinion came when it was time to decide on a flavor. Being the predictable gal that I am, I immediately reached for Coffee-mate Classic Vanilla. Jason gave me what we call in our family, the “stank face”. A few minutes of weighing all the pros and cons of the various Nestlé Coffee-mate® flavors, we decided that Coffee-mate Caramel Macchiato would be “our flavor.” At any given time, you will find 2 to 3 bottles of this flavor stored in our fridge. We take our morning coffee routine pretty seriously and we’ve learned that there is nothing worse than randomly running out of creamer! So, we stock up!

These days, I do the grocery store runs by myself and every time I approach the cold section I think of this sweet memory…#ohthosereads.

This summer, Nestlé Coffee-mate® is celebrating the sweetest form of nostalgia with their exclusive range of fun, exciting flavors that evoke delicious memories and emotions of the past. These sweet throwback flavors include Toll House® Chocolate Chip Cookie, Caramel Macchiato and Classic Vanilla.

Oh, The Memories… Part 2 | Live Love and Read

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