Remnants of Summer ’17. If there was a penny for every time I said, “I can’t believe how fast time flies,” you gals and guys would be RICH. As I grow older, it truly feels like time flies by in super sonic speed.

With a new season on the horizon (I love the physical start of a new season), I wanted to take this opportunity to get things back on track with the blog. I know that I have not been as present as I usually am, but sometimes that’s life. I’m working on a few different passion projects, getting things in order for my family (nope, we aren’t preggo…just Jason and myself) and all that fun adult stuff. I’ve also been working on the blog and it’s next chapter, as it feels pretty stale around here. Stale in the sense that a lot of time has passed without any change. I’ve been working on things since about April and Lord willing, we will be ready for a “relaunch” in January! Say a prayer.

So before we move into this fresh season, both metaphorically and physically, I wanted to share a collection of captured moments from this past summer that didn’t make it to the blog. In typical Candace fashion, there will be a Part 2 coming your way on Friday for a proper farewell to this summer season.

Have a great Monday frands.

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