Shopping w/ Current C | Live Love and Read

Shopping w/ Current C | Live Love and Read

Shopping w/ Current C | Live Love and Read

Shopping w/ Current C | Live Love and Read

Shopping w/ Current C | Live Love and Read

Shopping w/ Current C | Live Love and Read

Shopping w/ Current C | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES ROOSEVELT GROUP

I must admit, I’ve always been a bit nervous to rely on my smart phone for more than texting, calling and social media activity. You see, technology is not my strong suite, which is pretty funny considering the nature of my career. You know the person who always has something wrong with his/her technology? Welp, that’s basically me! And I swear I take care of my stuff, but for some odd reason, technology and I just don’t see eye to eye! That being said, over the past few years lots and lots of new improvements have been made via mobile devices, but I had not began to embrace them until recently!

I pretty much live my life on the go, so streamlining certain details makes life more seamless and painful. One of the areas that I struggle staying organized in is with my loyalty cards, gift cards, promotional coupons, etc. They literally end up in a million different places and I never actually have them when I need them…#theworst. Just a couple of weeks ago, I recieved word about this app called Current C that essentailly saves you time and money by centralizing your loyalty cards and payment accounts, and automatically applies coupons, promotions and loyalty rewards at checkout. It can be used at the cash register, restaurant table, drive-thru or fuel pump. Pretty amazing, huh? With my technolongical problems, I was a bit apprehensive that this applicaton wasn’t for me, but little did I know that it would become one of my favorite apps within a few short days! For my first Current C experience, I decided to make a trip to Target to pick up a couple of essentails, as well as utilzie a gift card that I had recently received and some Target Cartwheel savings I knew I had. Prior to leaving the house, I simply uploaded my Target gift card to the Current C app and synced my Target Cartwell account. To say that checkout was easy, would be an understatment. It was beyond seamless and I had not one single issue! Never in a million years did I think that I would become a mobile shopper, but I think I have converted! I recently loaded a few more gift cards to Current C (including one for Wendy’s…Gah, I’m obsessed with their spicy chicken nuggets!) that I will be ultizing this week and I feel pretty confident in saying that I will be syncing my checking account to this app in preparation for holiday shopping!

Current C is in its beta-phase in Columbus, OH, but is preparing for national release here soon! For all of you Cbus folks, I encourage you to download Current C via iTunes stores or Google play and give it a whirl! As for you outside of Cbus folks, get connected with Current C via social media, that way you have access to the latest information regarding Current C‘s national debut! Trust me, this is a tool that you’ll want to use during the crazy holdiay shopping season! And speaking of holiday shopping, where the heck did time go this year? I cannot believe it’s almost time to start decorating for Christmas!!

Get The Look:

This post is kindly brought to you by Current C . All thoughts and opinions remain my own.

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