SoloHope | Live Love and Read


SoloHope | Live Love and Read

SoloHope | Live Love and Read

SoloHope | Live Love and Read

SoloHope | Live Love and Read

SoloHope | Live Love and Read

SoloHope | Live Love and Read

SoloHope | Live Love and Read

SoloHope | Live Love and Read

SoloHope | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES KIMBERLY J.

Despite the craziness of social media, I must admit, I love its ability to connect and cultivate relationships with others. As my blog has grown, I have had the incredible opportunity to connect with people and businesses that I otherwise would have never met if not for social media, specifically Facebook and Instagram. Back in April, I connected with Emilee Connell, the Founder and President of SoloHope. She is a fellow Southern girl with a heart after Christ.  Her mission is to give back and create hope. The seed for SoloHope was planted when she took her first trip to Honduras at the age of 16. However, in 2012 she really began the journey of growing SoloHope and exploring its full potential to impact the lives of impoverished women in Honduras. Using local resources such as pine straw and thread, SoloHope has renewed HOPE of the women of Honduras by providing not only jobs but also a sense of self-worth and dignity.

While reading about the mission of SoloHope, I found myself crying.  It made me think about how often I take things for granted here, without regards to how terrible things really are for so many. As both a woman and a believer, I truly believe in the depths of my heart that is sooooo important for us to give back and create hope for others. While there are the obvious ways we can give back, I love the idea of supporting a fashionable jewelry and home goods focused brand that in turn creates opportunities for others. I am wearing the  Morning Dew Necklace and  In the Rough reFRESH Necklace, which have easily become favorites in my necklace collection as of lately. I love the simplicity of the designs, their ability to be paired with nearly anything and the fact that I can layer them. Also, I can’t lie, there is something amazingly refreshing to know that I am wearing something that is supporting a mission bigger than myself.

So, here’s what I am asking of YOU. Take a moment and watch this VIDEO about the story of SoloHope as it really explains the mission of this brand. Also, read their STORY. Again, it simply reinforces the mission of  SoloHope.  And lastly, take ACTION! There are a couple of ways you can do that.

  1. Purchase SoloHope Goods- Purchasing these local sourced and produced goods allows SoloHope to further its mission to impact lives by creating HOPE.
  2. Spread the Word- You are already on social media 24/7, take a quick moment and spread the word about this awesome mission.
  3. Make a Donation- If you feel led, you can simply make a donation. Again, your financial support will be used to further develop the mission of this brand and renew hope for the women of rural Honduras. Also, SoloHope is an approved 501(c) 3 organization, so any donation is tax deductible for those of you who may be interested.

Now that I now know about this organization, I am really looking forward to seeing its continued growth, success and being a part of it in any way that I can. Sometimes in life, we very easily get caught up in the chaos of our lives and forgot that life is often most fulfilling when we remove ourselves from the equation and help others discover.

 SoloHope = Spanglish for “Only Hope.” 

Get The Look: 

This post is kindly brought to you by SoloHope. All thoughts and opinions remain my own. 

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