Lace. Sweet, beautiful lace. To be honest with you, it hasn’t been until recently that I’ve actually felt comfortable wearing lace. I’m not quite sure why I was even hesitant before, because it is absolutely wonderful!

With Spring finally making her debut for the year, we are now in prime festival season! Music festivals that is. And for those of you who don’t know, I am a HUGE LOVER of music. In fact, Jason often comes home and turns off my music, because I will literally having it blasting ALL DAY. I just love noise. Well, I love constructed, meaningful noise. lol. Ok, back to the point…Festival Style. In essence, a music festival is nothing more than a bunch of creative, free spirits celebrating great musicians, while wearing awesome sunglasses, frayed blue jean shorts, ripped t-shirts, crop tops and of course…LACE.

Although lady-like lace has remained a timeless trend, over the last few seasons lace has evolved tremendously. From unique colors to detailed ornamentation and much more! So here’s a little look-see as to how I styled my ideal festival look, utilizing a non-traditional lace concept.

Spring Trends YOU Oughta Know: Festival Style

One of my favorite things about this dress is the two different lace prints and how beautiful they look combined. Oh yes, I would suggest that you wear a strapless bra with this dress. lol. I would have, but I didn’t have one handy! 

Spring Trends YOU Oughta Know: Festival Style As you can see, the lace print from the center panel continues downwards and rounds out the print on the bottom half of the dress! Also, I should mention that this dress is actually a slip dress. Meaning the nude paneling underneath is not attached to the dress itself. So in actuality, you can have way more versatility with this piece! You could pair it with a body suit or leggings/jeans and a cute tank.

Spring Trends YOU Oughta Know: Festival Style P.S. Although I look pregnant in this photo, I am not. Just bloated from too much coffee. #reallife #firstworldproblems 

Spring Trends YOU Oughta Know: Festival Style

And lastly, its drop waist! A nice way to add a little 1920s flare to a contemporary piece. Free People sure does know how to design a lace dress!  

Get The Look Details:

**Wardrobe courtesy of Beauty Clinique Boutique. Pieces are available for purchase.  Please call 229.245.1208 for further inquries.  All pictured accessories are from Candace’s personal collection**



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