Pants. They are getting more colorful and unique by the minute, which I love! For the first time in FOREVER, pants have the ability to be THE STATEMENT for an ensemble. While others are still warming up to the idea of unique pant options, I’ve decided to take this trend by the reigns and OWN IT LIKE A BOSS! haha.

This Spring the pant trend is all about the athletic trouser (one of The Top 10 Trends for Spring 2014 via Naturally, this pant shape is tapered at the ankle (like a genie pant) and has a more relaxed fit and feel. Hence the name…athletic trouser.  Everyone loves athletic wear because it’s sooo stinking comfy. So ideally this pant concept should be a dream come true for most women! Fashion meets comfort! YES!

As you already know, my personal style is all about taking trends and making them my own! For this particular look, I utilized the athletic trouser concept, but changed it up a bit.   I have super tiny ankles and the fabric was just swimming around them. So I decided to push up the pant legs and it totally worked!

Spring Trends You Oughta Know: The Athletic Trouser

To better highlight the pant print, I decided to go with this embellished top by C. Luce. The  strip of deep orange really brings out the peachy undertone in the pant! 

Spring Trends You Oughta Know: The Athletic Trouser Oh yes, I decided on this nude heel because the coloring ever so slightly allows you to better see the white in the pant. 

Spring Trends You Oughta Know: The Athletic Trouser With busy pattern pants, I like to keep everything else as simple as possible! As a guide, I found the most neutral color in the pant pattern, which is a taupe/ivory color. Yet, another reason why I decided on the C. Luce top as it performed two functions for me; 1. It enhanced the pant print, 2. It neutralized the pant print.

What are your thoughts on the athletic trouser trend? Would you rock it or not? Drop a comment below and let me know! As for tomorrow, I will be providing you with a full list of the Top 10 Spring Trends, with special focus on the seasonal sweater. Stay tuned : )

Get The Look Details:

**Wardrobe courtesy of Beauty Clinique Boutique. Pieces are available for purchase.  Please call 229.245.1208 for further inquries.  All pictured accessories are from Candace’s personal collection**

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