Stoop Kid | Live Love and Read

Stoop Kid | Live Love and Read

Stoop Kid | Live Love and Read


Stoop Kid | Live Love and Read

Stoop Kid | Live Love and Read

Stoop Kid | Live Love and Read

Stoop Kid | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES KIMBERLY J.

“Stoop kid’s afraid to leave his stoop! Stop kid’s afraid to leave his stoop.” If you are somewhere around my age {I’m 27}, then you already know that this was the GREATEST EPISODE from Hey Arnold! Man, Nickelodeon used to kill it with cartoons back in the day. Hey Arnold! was definitely a favorite of mine and my sisters. We also loved Doug and As Told By Ginger. While flipping through these photos of me casually hanging out near a stoop, I knew I had to pay homage to the “Stoop Kid” episode. haha. In fact, I think I am gonna watch it on YouTube later! Ok, I will now get back to our regularly scheduled programming {aka fashion}.

The older I get the more I love skirts. Skirts are ultra feminine, comfortable and in my opinion, easy to style. I definitely have a couple of different skirt looks lined up for you guys for the coming weeks and wanted to share this one first. Also, I should mention, I have a plentiful amount of looks from NYFW to still share with you, but I wanted to break up all the Fashion Week talk with something non-fashion week related! I hope that’s ok with y’all.

One print that’s been growing in momentum lately is the jacquard print! I personally love it and have been itching to get my hands on something jacquard. Well, a few weeks ago I got this lovely Mardi Gras inspired skirt from Shabby Apple {thank you Shabby Apple for this lovely piece!} and instantly fell in love. I was really captivated by the shape and coloring of this skirt. If you’ve been following fall trends, then you already know that prints are a pretty big deal for the season. To give this look even more of a fall vibe, I paired her with a mustard yellow mockneck, which really helps to pull out the coloring in the skirt. Of course, I went with neutral accessories because it’s practically all that I own. I really do have a nude problem…haha. Perhaps the thing that makes me most excited about this look is how the shape of the earrings perfectly compliments the shape of the jacquard print! I love those moments in styling when you find cool suprises, such as these interesting details that further enhance the overall aesthetic of a look!

Ok, I’m off to play in the streets! Maybe I’ll even find a cool stoop here in Charleston to hangout on. haha. No but seriously, we are on family vacation and I made a promise to disconnect just a bit in order to really enjoy my family and to simply live in the moment!

Get The Look: 


  1. The FIRST thing I thought of after reading your title was Hey Arnold. I’m 27 too and was obsessed with that show… those were the good ‘ol days! Love your outfit btw…that skirt mixed with the mustard top is fabulous!

    xo, Kristina
    Medicine & Manicures

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