How To Make a Summer Dress NYE Appropiate | Live Love and Read img_2072 How To Make a Summer Dress NYE Appropiate | Live Love and Read How To Make a Summer Dress NYE Appropiate | Live Love and Read How To Make a Summer Dress NYE Appropiate | Live Love and Read How To Make a Summer Dress NYE Appropiate | Live Love and Read How To Make a Summer Dress NYE Appropiate | Live Love and Read How To Make a Summer Dress NYE Appropiate | Live Love and Read How To Make a Summer Dress NYE Appropiate | Live Love and Read











You may not know this about me, but New Year’s is easily one of my favorite holidays! There’s just something about getting all dressed up and new beginnings that make me super duper happy. And yes, I am totally Type A! Organized and OCD to a fault at times. More to come about that in January. LOL.

I often use NYE as the perfect excuse to go out and purchase something new. However, we do not have any huge plans besides dinner and drinking some FRE champs at Midnight. Additionally, the rack in my closet is kinda sagging in the middle because I HAVE WAY TOO MANY CLOTHES. I’ve already combed through and done two rounds of clean outs…but I just have a butt load of stuff. When I encounter moments such as these, I know it is time for me to get creative and determine what I actually will wear. With that mind, I decided to challenge myself to repurpose a summer dress for a NYE dress. Unsure of how things would shape up, it totally worked!

Back in October I purchased this TopShop wrap dress that was on sale for maybe $30 bucks. When selecting a summer dress, I opted for this particular one because it was a wrap dress! There is nothing more chic and feminine than a wrap dress. To immediately dress it up for evening, I added this balero blazer that I’ve literally had for years! I mean, I think I’ve had it since 2010. Also, I had a piece of elastic inserted into the back of the collar so it could permanently be “popped.” Yes, I will forever be into the popped collar trend!

Since we do not have super duper cool plans, this look does not require a load of sparkle! However, it needs a little bit. To pull out the navy in the dress, I paired this look with my favorite baubles from Bauble Bar (which I think are on sale right now). Additionally, I wanted to highlight the tan stripes found in the dress, so I opted for these bronze gold bangles and simple nude pumps. And voila! A simple, yet dressy little numba for NYE! No doubt sparkles are fun, but sometimes you just have to use what you already have in your closet and that’s exactly what I did. I hope this look inspires you to take the stress down a few notches and shop inside of your closet for a change!

Get The Look: 


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