Summer Talks | Live Love and Read

Summer Talks | Live Love and Read

Summer Talks | Live Love and Read

Summer Talks | Live Love and Read

Summer Talks | Live Love and Read

Summer Talks | Live Love and Read

Summer Talks | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES  Kimberly J Photography

Despite the crazy summer heat, I must admit, the fact that August is here saddens my heart just a tiny bit. Summer is truly the season that has my heart. There’s just something about the sunny weather, grilled hotdogs, denim shorts and sweet lemonade that make me insanely happy. I am going to go out on a whim and say that my love for summer has stemmed from all of the awesome memories I have of playing outside endlessly with my cousins each and every summer. And when I say endlessly, we literally played outside for hours everyday. As we grew, playing turned into hang outs around my Great Aunt’s tree, walking to Dairy Queen and much more. Just a couple of weeks ago I began thinking about some of those memories and I realized the extreme sentimentalism over this particular summer stems from the fact that this is my last “official” summer break. With graduate school now complete, I am TOTALLY done with this so-called “summer break” thing.

In realizing that my life will no longer be dedicated to an academic calendar, seasonal breaks or anything else of the sort, I’ve been pushing myself to get out a bit more and change up my routine in preparation of the transition from full-time student/part time creative to full time creative. So, for the last couple of weeks, I’ve been scooting around town and working at coffee shops…lots and lots of coffee shops. Back in late March, I shared a post about my new found love of Frankie, a wooden women’s watch from Jord. In becoming a wooden watch lover overnight, this unique timepiece concept has become a staple in my daily jewelry collection and has been on repeat for most of the Summer. In my adventures around town (both Parkersburg and Columbus) and working in different spots, I began to notice the true beauty of wooden watches and their abililtly to spark conversation.

Nearly every time I wear a wooden timepiece, 9 times out of 10, it sparks a conversation of some sort. Sometimes it’s a simple, “I like your watch” and that’s the end of the conversation. Other times, it’s a, “That’s a cool watch. Where did you get it?”, which then opens the door for a little additional dialogue to learn something interesting about a complete stranger. My husband and I both love meeting and interacting with new people, so discovering that wearing a wooden watch could cultivate conversation most defintely made my heart happier.

As I’ve said on many occasions, having a statement watch is one of the five staples every woman needs. As I continue to develop my watch collection, I am learning that watches have the ability to be more than an essential statement piece, but a conversation starter. Granted, the world we live in seems to be a little upside down these days, but there’s something amazingly speacial about meeting and engaging with others. While I have yet to have any “stupendous”, life changing moments resulting from interacting with anyone because of my wooden watch, I have a feeling something EPIC is gonna happen one of these days by wearing the most classic, yet unique woman’s watch there is. I recently added the Frankie 35 in dark sandal wood to my collection, which is completely different from the Frankie I last spoke about here on Live Love and Read. For the last little bit, I have only worn watches with a relatively large band and felt it was high time to change things up! I love the simplistic nature of this style.

While I have only been a wooden watch lover for a short amount of time, I feel confident in saying that this is just ONE of those things that every woman needs. That being said, I am excited to share that I’ve teamed up with Jord to give one of YOU a $75 coupon towards your next Jord timepiece. You can enter by clicking this link:

It’s just a quick form that you need to fill out. It will take you all of two seconds! Also, while I would LOVE for everyone to win, Jord has been courteous enough to ensure that each entrant will receive a $20 coupon. Pretty cool, huh? Honestly, the odds are in your favor either way! Simply enter and you will either win the $75 or a $20 coupon!  This giveaway will run for exactly one month, so stay connected with me on social media, as I will post a couple of reminders and also announce the winner there!

Happy Friday peeps and remember, it’s ok to change things up! Sometimes change will spark conversation and relationships will blossom where they would have never existed otherwise.

Get The Look: 

This post is kindly brought to you by Jord. All thoughts and opinions remain my own. 


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