Technicolor | Live Love and Read

 Technicolor | Live Love and Read

 Technicolor | Live Love and Read

 Technicolor | Live Love and Read

 Technicolor | Live Love and Read

 Technicolor | Live Love and Read

 Technicolor | Live Love and Read

 Technicolor | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES  Kimberly J Photography

One of things I love most about shooting with Kimberly is the crazy chemistry we have! We hardly ever discuss where we are going to shoot and what I’ll be wearing, but seemingly, she ALWAYS has some killer locations picked out that are literally PERFECT for each look I have. For our last shooting adventure, we decided to drive to Pomeroy, OH (we basically drive all over Ohio and West Virginia for cool spots), as Kimberly had a couple of spots she’d been dying to shoot creatively! One of our spots included this lovely mural wall, which was perfect for this poncho look that I had styled! Kimberly and I will be shooting again this Friday and I am soooo looking forward to seeing what kinda magic we create. Each time we work together, we are always pleasantly surprised to see how things turn out : ) In fact, I would venture to say that shooting is probably one of my most favorite elements of blogging. Working with another creative to simply create something beautiful!

Oh yes, I owe you guys an apology, as I have been incredibly M.I.A. for the last week. My course and work load has increased a good bit, so I’m adjusting and trying to figure out how to make everything work! I think I finally have a new rhythm.

Happy Hump Day!!

Get The Look: 


  1. Great outfit babe! I love these sunglasses on you! They are such a great shape for your face – you look so chic! Hopefully we can hang out soon!! XOXO – Em

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