The Belong Tour | Live Love and Read

The Belong Tour | Live Love and Read


The Belong Tour | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES KIMBERLY J.

“He’s equipped you to be in your lane.” – Angela M. Davis

Hands down, that is one of my favorite quotes from the Belong Tour and its inaugural stop in Columbus just 12 weeks ago. In fact, I’m crying as I think about what that quote really even means. Since the Belong Tour, I feel that my life has been going through the fire in sooooo many different ways. From relationships to exploring career options and all the above. In many instances over the last little bit, I have found myself thinking about the stories and wisdom the speakers shared during our time together.  It’s almost like God knew that I was going to need some extra encouragement for the season ahead!

Without a doubt, I have learned that “belonging” often means enduring a season of “wilderness” in order to discover who you truly are. I would venture to say this process of discovering who we are happens multiple times throughout the course of our lives. We are ever evolving and further discovering our purposes here on Earth. What I love most about BELONG and this time of togetherness is that it affirms that we all have our seasons of wilderness. And while we think we are alone, we are actually NOT. There are sooo many women around us who are facing the exact same issues. However, it is “when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world” that we truly discover belonging.

For those of you who’ve been following along for the last little bit, you may remember me sharing about the BELONG tour back in August. If you happened to miss that post, I encourage you to go back HERE and read it. It really explains the full scope of this event and why I think it’s sooo amazing. This weekend, BELONG will be making it’s FINAL stop in Atlanta, GA! Atlanta is practically my home away from home, which is why I’ve teamed up with BELONG to give away some tickets for YOU and 3 friends to the closing event! Yup, that’s just how wonderful it is : )

BELONG Tour from BELONG Tour on Vimeo.

The Belong Tour | Live Love and Read

To enter is pretty simple! Just visit this link right HERE or >> .  The giveaway will close tomorrow evening at 6:30PM EST and the winners will be announced on Thursday morning! Happy entering and share with your friends! I’ve come to learn that all of us women can benefit from community and honesty!

This post is kindly brought to you by BELONG Tour.



  1. HI! I just recently started blogging and am from Columbus as well. I am so pleased to have found your blog. You are adorable and I love your content! Cant’t wait to see more by you! 🙂

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