The Kitchen | Live Love and Read

The Kitchen | Live Love and Read

The Kitchen | Live Love and Read

The Kitchen | Live Love and Read

The Kitchen | Live Love and Read

The Kitchen | Live Love and Read

The Kitchen | Live Love and Read

The Kitchen | Live Love and Read

The Kitchen | Live Love and Read

The Kitchen | Live Love and Read

The Kitchen | Live Love and Read

The Kitchen | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES ROOSEVELT GROUP

I’m a corny, hopeless romantic and I have no problem admitting it! I have a pretty extensive bucket list of things I want to do with Jason. You know the things you see in the movies…a sail boat adventure in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, riding cute bikes with baskets along Laguna beach…things like that! Well, as you may have imagined, attending a cooking class together has always been on my romantic bucket list and I am happy to say, that wish has come to pass in a much bigger and more wonderful way than I ever imagined.

Just a few short weeks ago, Jason and I had the opportunity to dine at The Kitchen! Mind you, The Kitchen had been a must visit for quite some time, but due to crazy busy schedules, we just never had the opportunity to go. Located in German Village,The Kitchen is one of the cool dining spaces that allows you and all the other dining guests to become sous chefs for the evening. To put it simply, it is a participatory dining experience! You prepare a wonderful meal that has been pre-selected and pre-prepared by Anne and Jen, the owners. Each participatory dining event at The Kitchen has a different thematic flavor. Our evening was Harvest Dining! The menu was a 4-course meal that included the following:

STARTER: Pumpkin Cornbread with Maple Butter

SOUP: Kale, Butternut Squash & Barley Soup

ENTREE: Pork Loin with Apples, Cinnamon & Honey with Buttermilk Mashed Potatoes & Roasted Brussels Sprouts

DESSERT: Spiced Pear Upside Down Cake

As far as preparation, Jason and I decided to keep it simple and make the buttermilk mash potatoes, which turned out amazingly! Ok, we may be biased. After preparing our dish, we had the oppportunity to mix and mingle with the individuals from our prep station and the guests sitting at our table! Without giving too much away, The Kitchen is just something you need to expereince for yourself! A nice long leisurely dinner that celebrates disconnecting from the World for a bit and really living in the moment and enjoying the company that surrounds you! Cannot wait to go back : )

Get The Look:



 Thank you Anne & Jen of The Kitchen for the most delightful dining experience.  


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