People often ask me how Jason and I met. Well, it was pretty unexpected and a TOTAL God thing.  But just so everyone knows the story, here it is : ) P.S. This was all written by wonderful fiancé, Jason! Enjoy.


The journey to OUR FOREVER began with a wedding…

If you get a chance, hunt us down and ask for the full story…but we digress. We met on Sept. 3, 2011 at Chris & Katelyn Read’s wedding rehearsal. Candace was the most outgoing of all the ladies and Jason the same for the guys. We joked and chatted through the dinner, to the rehearsal, through the rehearsal, later that night, and all the way through the wedding and events of the following day. Many hours of phone calls, text messages, missed signals, happy stories, sad stories, ups and downs later, found Candace laying in bed after back surgery and Jason responding to a tweet that would lead to a truth infused text message from Candace…”I was totally crushing on you…” The rest is crazy, but allow me to give you the cliff notes version… We talked a bunch and filled in the apparent missed signals, realized how much we both liked each other and decided to make the appropriate changes in each of our separate lives to pursue on another. A couple weeks later, Jason booked a surprise flight to visit Candace, using the assistance of Candace’s mom, Charlotte, and her best friend, Vannessa…he drove 2 hours to Columbus, OH and missed his flight, so…drove 13 1/2 hours down to Candace’s home, picking up Vanessa along the way and said “Good Morning” to Candace in-person for the first of many times! We had our first kiss that weekend and both knew that this was the beginning of a lifetime together!

Fast forward to June 25, 2012, just 3 months from their first kiss…

Jason enjoys surprising and Candace enjoys surprises. So, piggy-backing off Candace’s personally planned birthday party, Jason made arrangements with Candace’s friend, Valerie, to crash the party. Being a Monday night and many states away, Candace didn’t suspect a thing. The surprise at dinner (same restaurant as our first date:) was nice, as Candace simply thought Jason was there for her birthday. However, after moving on to the Wine Loft to the end the night, reality came full circle. Jason and Valerie made the plan to have her gather everyone together and say something they appreciated about Candace. The plan worked to perfection! Jason was the last one in the group to go and, knowing Candace, she was already in tears at this point. He said all the right words (so the ladies say:), got down on one and asked her to marry him. And since you’re reading this story, you know for sure that she said YES!

*Photo Credit: Tarashton Photography 


  1. Beautiful love story, I had often wondered how ya’ll met and now I know. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story.

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