The Perfect Engagement Gift | Live Love and Read

The Perfect Engagement Gift | Live Love and Read

The Perfect Engagement Gift | Live Love and Read

The Perfect Engagement Gift | Live Love and Read

The Perfect Engagement Gift | Live Love and Read

The Perfect Engagement Gift | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES Roosevelt Group

I love shopping for myself, but I especially love shopping for others! Gift giving is one of my love languages to others, so I always seize the opportunity to shower people with a little something, something. I especially love gift giving for engagements and weddings! Jason and I were beyond blessed to receive approximately 250 gifts throughout our engagement and our wedding. And believe it or not, we have put almost all of them to use! It is amazingly helpful to start a new life with less needs, because you’ve been showered by some of the sweetest and most thoughtful people, and this most definitely changes your perspective when it comes to gift giving. Ever since our wedding concluded, I decided to make it a priority to gift with intention! I used to just go for the pretty stuff, because…well…it was pretty, but I realized that you can gift pretty and purposeful…it just requires a little extra thought!

My sweet friend Jordan, who was a bridesmaid in my wedding, recently got engaged to her beau Taylor. Jordan is the kind of friend who would give you the shirt off her back if you needed it. Without getting all mushy, just know that she’s amazing and that I love her dearly! Back in early August, she had her engagement party and I was beyond bummed that I would not be able to attend, but I felt that it gave me all the more reason to come up with a wandtacular gift for her and Taylor. After a little brainstorming and Pinterest searching, I determined that a crockpot would be the central piece of my gift idea. From there I just filled the crockpot with various things that I knew Jordan would love and use! Much like her mom, Jordan loves all things hosting, so I tried my best to find things that would highlight that aspect of her personality and per our recent text message conversation, I think I succeeded. Not only was I able to gift something that they could actually use, but I also filled it with lots of pretties! #winning

What are some of your go-to engagement party gift ideas?!


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