The Quintessential Statment Earring | Live Love and Read

The Quintessential Statment Earring | Live Love and Read

The Quintessential Statment Earring | Live Love and Read

The Quintessential Statment Earring | Live Love and Read

The Quintessential Statment Earring | Live Love and Read

The Quintessential Statment Earring | Live Love and Read

The Quintessential Statment Earring | Live Love and Read

The Quintessential Statment Earring | Live Love and Read

The Quintessential Statment Earring | Live Love and Read

The Quintessential Statment Earring | Live Love and Read

The Quintessential Statment Earring | Live Love and Read

The Quintessential Statment Earring | Live Love and Read

The Quintessential Statment Earring | Live Love and Read

The Quintessential Statment Earring | Live Love and Read

The Quintessential Statment Earring | Live Love and Read

The Quintessential Statment Earring | Live Love and Read

The Quintessential Statment Earring | Live Love and Read

The Quintessential Statment Earring | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES KIMBERLY J.

Ok, I know…picture overload! When I’m doing a post with multiple looks, I really try to keep it to 12-14 photos MAX, but Kimberly just made it WAYYY to hard for me. So, you can blame her for the overwhelming number of pictures in this post! Also, I should mention that I totally said this post would go live yesterday! However, I managed to mess up a few things and it did not post on schedule as planned. Sorry about that! So, let’s try this again…a day late.

Life has a funny way of suprising of you. For the MAJORITY of my life, I HATED statement earrings. Or I guess I should not say that I hated statement earrings, but I just avoided wearing “larger” earrings. I was more of a pearl/simple stud kinda girl. Every now and then I would wear a larger earring, but never really felt comfortable in them. As my personal style has evolved, I’ve come to realize that I have major love for a good statement earring. In fact, they have become my go-to accessory to give any outfit dymanic or charcter.

In building my collection of statement baubles, I have noticed one thing…they tend to be a bit more expensive than usual bauble. However, I do not necessarily think that’s a problem if they are great pieces that warrant frequent wears. So, let’s take these beautiful Karli Buxton earrings that I selected from Brittany’s, a cute boutique based in Augusta, GA. They are approximately $100 bucks. While yes, some may consider that a bit pricey, they are well worth it! What drew me to these earrings was the gold accents, the unique shape of the crystal and the color of the crystal itself. When I Iayed my eyes on them, I had one of those fashion imprint moments when I immediately thought of a million different ways I could wear them. Especially with wedding seaon in full swing, sometimes it’s easier to get a killer earring that really glams a look up, opposed to purchasing a brand new $200 dress for each wedding.  As you can see from the few looks above (all from Brittany’s, with the exception of my other accessories and footwear), these earrings really take on a different identitiy with each look. Earrings such as these, really have the ability to take a simple romper and make it jazzy or make a tier chiffon dress all the more whimsical. So, next time you find yourself debating whether or not to purchase those killer statement earrings you spotted, I encourage you to consider the versatility. If you can wear them more than once, chances are that likely they are worth the extra moo la! Just do it.

Also, if you ever find yourself looking for a new place to shop for those random life social occasions, you should most definitely checkout Brittany’s! Much like their Instagram bio says, they are a go to destination for every possible social occasion. Connect with them via Instagram to get the inside scoop on the latest pieces, accesories and more!

Get The Look: 

From Brittany’s:

  • Karli Buxton Earrings c/o
  • C. Luce Romper c/o
  • Sherri Hill Cocktail Dress c/o
  • Leopard Print Maxi Dress c/o

Everything Else:

This post is kindly brought to you by Brittany’s. All thoughts and opinions remain my own. 




  1. Wow, you look stunning in all of these outfits! Love your style and you are so beautiful! I totally feel ya about statement earrings. I definitely prefer high quality ones too since they last longer and actually look great. Your earrings definitely look high quality! Hope you have a great day!

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