Hello Love Bunnies and Happy Valentines Day!

I wanted to share a very special story with you guys…and yes, it is about a not so straight spine.  My not so straight spine! ha.On this very day one year ago I went under the knife in hopes of having my 90 degree double curve (aka the worst scoliosis ever) corrected. As you can imagine…I was tad bit nervous, but was looking forward to having this problem corrected as I had lived with it for 10 years and each year it got progressively worse.  Thankfully due to my intense dance lifestyle, I experienced very little pain.  But as I began to slow down with my frequent dancing, I noticed a huge change in my body as well as increased and serve pain in my back! Actually it was one day after dance rehearsal,during my senior of college, that I was in such pain that I could not even lean over to load my dishwasher.  It was in that moment that I knew that I had to do the one thing that I never wanted to do…go under!

Pre-Surgery Spine…pretty intense! 


After much research I found myself at Emory Orthedopedic and Spine Center on December 6th receiving a firm YES from Dr. Dheera Ananthakrishnan (we just call her Dr. A…lol) that I would need to have the Harrington rod surgery.  So without much else to consider the surgery was scheduled for Tuesday February 14th, 2012.

8 hours, 2 titaium rods, 18 screws and a hook later…I now have a straighter spine!  I wanted to share this story because often times in life we have to face the things we have fear most, but it is during those journeys that we learn the most about ourselfves.  And when we better understand ourselves we become more open to discover other things…like true love! Or at least that’s what happened to me : ) So don’t be fearful.  You never know how things are linked to one another! Be open. Embrace the journey because only God knows what lies ahead of you!!! Happy Valentine’s Day Lovers <3

Post Surgery Spine…MUCH BETTER!


Valentine’s Day 2012

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P.S. I want to take a quick moment and give a SUPER DUPER THANK YOU to my momma, sisters, grandma and auntie sharon who helped me get through this recovery! I couldn’t have done it without your LOVE, support and patience with me : ) Means more than you guys will ever know!

1 comment

  1. I have lived wish a double curve of 80 degrees shine birth. I am 58 years old and don’t remember a day Superior pain so you are not alpine. How are you these many yeasts pist op?

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