The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

untitled-The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

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The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

untitled-The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

untitled-The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

untitled-The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

untitled-The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read


The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

untitled-The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and Read

The Wilds: A Styled Shoot | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES CONNECTION PHOTOGRAPHY

On a random day in May, I got a phone call from Caroline, a dear friend and amazing florist, who asked if Jason and I would be willing to model for a styled wedding shoot in July! Of course, I was in at the utterance of “styled shoot”. However, when she explained the entire vision of the safari themed elopement, I was MOST DEFINITELY IN. With a firm yes and the job of stylist/bride model left in my hands, I was incredibly stoked. As a loyal Pinterest freak, my thumb has scrolled thousands of miles looking at styled wedding shoots in hopes of being able participate in one.

SidenoteOk, so you may notice Jason isn’t the guy I’m modeling with. I know. Fast-forward to late June. We were in the process of relocating to Columbus and Jason had a brand new job. With this being a week day project, there was simply no way that he could still join the fun. Yes, total bummer. I looped Caroline in on the details and she was beyond understanding. A little concerned as to how things would pan out (because we definitely needed a guy), Caroline reassured me that everything would work out and it did. Meet Tyler. My work husband. He was beyond nice and incredibly respectful. Also, Joseph and Andrea did an amazing job with coaching us and telling us exactly what to capture: some of the dreamy/romantical shots!

When preparing for this project, I knew the end result would be great due to the caliber of creatives involved. However, I really had no idea how WONDTACULAR it would truly be. Out of roughly 800 images, here’s a glimpse into the day and our efforts. The Wilds, the venue, is beyond picturesque. And yes, those animals are REAL. The ostrich may or may not have totally freaked me out. I was basically hiding behind Tyler anytime it would come near the safari bus. haha. Something about their long necks freak me out! But I did get to meet and model with the cutest giraffe, Tuffy. For those of you who may be curious, The Wilds is a safari park and Wildlife Conservation center for located in Cumberland, Ohio. It’s truly an incredible spot. From the yurts to horseback riding to the safari bus rides, it’s a sight to see.

Without making this too long of a story, this was definitely one of those experiences that I’ll never forget. It’s quite possible that I will look at these images every day for the rest of my Just joking. For me this project provided me with the direction/answer I had been looking for in regards to my professional career…so excited for the next chapter and I can’t wait to share what’s to come!

P.S. I’ve linked Tyler’s outfit and similar get away dress options (+all my accessories) down below!



  1. Wow, these are really beautiful and romantic pics. You look beautiful and so much color and life in the pics, This is my firs time to your blog and I had no idea that the guy in the pics was not you husband until I read the post, that is a true testament to you and the talented and creative people who worked with you on this photoshoot!

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