Three Years | Live Love and Read

Three Years | Live Love and Read

Three Years | Live Love and Read

Three Years | Live Love and Read
Three Years | Live Love and Read

Three Years | Live Love and Read

Three Years | Live Love and Read

Three Years | Live Love and Read

Three Years | Live Love and Read

Three Years | Live Love and Read

Three Years | Live Love and Read

Three Years | Live Love and Read

Three Years | Live Love and Read

Three Years | Live Love and Read

Three Years | Live Love and Read

Three Years | Live Love and Read

Three Years | Live Love and Read

Three Years | Live Love and Read

Three Years | Live Love and Read

Three Years | Live Love and Read

Three Years | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES KIMBERLY J.

I know I say this frequently, but seriously, time really does fly by. Today Jason and I are celebrating THREE YEARS OF MARRIAGE. It seems like just yesterday when we were long distance dating and now we are quickly making our way to the FIVE YEAR mark. Before you know it we’ll be in our 40s and 50s with a million kids running us all over America. And since we are talking about the future, let’s just take a moment and daydream about what our kiddos are going to look like. By default I am bias, but I think they will be stinking cute! I just cannot get over how dreamy their skin will be : ) And just to clarify, no I am not preggers! Trust me, I will share that news in the most epic way possible! ha.

Year No. 3 has been a very interesting year for Jason and I. And by interesting, I guess I simply mean we’ve grown even more comfortable with who we are together. To say that we’ve been busy would be an understatement. There were many moments this past year when I would be walking out the door as he was walking in and vice versa. In addition to being busy with both of our work pursuits, I would say that graduate school was probably the toughest thing for us, but we survived! While I am the one with the degree, graduate school was very much a “WE” thing.  There is no way I could have survived if it wasn’t for Jason’s constant encouragement, positive affirmations and his mad proofreading skills! Thanks J.

As I was brainstorming/planning this post, I began thinking about all the realities of life you really begin to face once the honeymoon phase is officially over. The fact of the matter is that a lot of things that were important to you during Year 1 and Year 2 become a lot less important. You begin to grow and evolve together and simply take things day-by-day. One of things that has changed tremendously for Jason and I is simply lowering our expectations for one another and sharing the weight of life…after all, we are a TEAM. While we have not said this directly to one another, I would say that we are learning/have learned to strive less for perfection and just be. Rather than attempting to create this “PERFECT” lifestyle, let’s just be (and by be, I mean do our part and be content) and simply allow God to handle the rest. In the short time we’ve been married, we’ve learned that Our Father has been REALLY GOOD to guide, protect and provide for us. Rather than making life happen our way, we are both cool with letting Him be the main driver and simply following suit.

I am excited to see where the future takes us, as this is only the beginning.

“Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have.”

                                                                                                                                                      – Unknown

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