Tres Bien

Tres Bien

Tres Bien

Tres Bien
Tres Bien

Tres Bien

Tres Bien ALL IMAGES  Kimberly J Photography

Over the last year, I have really taken a liking to graphic tees! For those of you who’ve been with me since day one, you may remember my very first “get the look” post about graphic tees and my deep desire to like them more! Well, mission accomplished. If I could only figure out a way to store them properly then I would be good to go on the graphic tees department. LOL. So, if you have any recommendations, please drop a comment down below! Any who, I am a lover of small businesses who create amazingly awesome things. I recently learned about Luciana, thanks to my friend Belinda (who you’ll be meeting Thursday), who told me nothing but WONDERFUL things about this groovy little business. And Belinda doesn’t just rave about things unless she truly loves and believes in the products (one of the many reasons why I adore her). I knew without a doubt that I had to check out Lucky for me (and 9 other bloggers), I had the opportunity to collaborate with Luciana for a Loop Giveaway via Instagram where we sported our favorite tee by Luciana. I consider myself to be a pretty fabulous hostess, so I choose to share the “Tres Bien” tee, which is perfect for holidays and all of the hosting I’ll be doing! Not only does this  graphic tee come in short sleeve, but it also comes in a crewneck and sweater style. Amaze! To learn a little more about Luciana (and shop the tees and prints of course), check out Also, to see how my fellow bloggers styled their favorite tee and to find out who won the loop giveaway search hashtag #AndThatsLuciana via Instagram!

Get The Look Details: 



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