Hello and welcome to Truthful Wednesday! I have to admit, I am super stoked about introducing this new content. My goal in dedicating a day to transparency is to indeed be transparent. Sharing life lessons I’ve learned, things that I am going through, and answering more specific questions that you guys have for me. Sometimes as blogger/influencer it is extremely easy to get caught up in the magic of all. But the truth of the matter is that bloggers are simply humans who so often choose to project only the awesome parts of their lives. Yes, that includes me, too.  With Truthful Wednesdays I am hoping to share more of the good, the bad and the ugly. To inspire you, to relate to and with you and to simply release myself from feeling that consistent need to only project the pretty. I want to dedicate this inaugural post to answering THE ONE question that I consistently receive from some of you guys! In fact, I wrote this post back in April for my digital media course at SCAD and felt compelled to share it with you peeps!

On countless occasions, I have received this e-mail, and I quote:

“I want to start a blog. Do you have any recommendations for me?” 

Since I am making an effort to completely transparent, I have to admit that I found this question really  annoying, and would try to avoid it at all cost (but since I can’t not respond to an e-mail, I would always reply).  Seemingly as things were picking up in momentum for me, I felt like every one (and their momma) was reaching out to ask me questions about how to start a blog.  As this million dollar question continued to be asked, I began to realize it was happening for a reason. The very same reason I had spent thousands of hours searching the Internet looking for answers on how to make it in this industry, was the very reason that others were reaching out to me! Rather than staying on my cloud of gradual success, I realized this provided me with an opportunity to educate and empower others who desired a similar career. So, to answer that question for you, just like I have done for a couple other folk,

I think the starting point is KNOWING the end result of the blog! Do you just want to do it for fun and casually post or do you want to make this a career and expound upon it?

One you have answered this question and know your end GOAL, I feel that you can move forward accordingly. In the words of  Tom Laundry, “Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan.” As you have already gathered, blogging is tough. However, when you have a goal it keeps you on track. It is a combination of your goal and interest that enables you to move forward day after day despite the moments when you feel like this is all a BIG FAST WASTE OF TIME.

So, before you go any further. What is the desired end result for your fashion blog? Answer that first. And I encourage you to be specific in your thoughts, to physcially write it down and display it in spot where you will see it often. We are human and all need encouragment from time to time. However, rather than waiting for someone to come and give you a pat on the back and say you can do it, do it for yourself! Simply know the end result.

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