The Skinny on Louboutins | Live Love and Read

So…I have officially owned my Christian Louboutin Piagelle Follies for a FULL YEAR. With 12 months of ownership under my belt, I felt I now had the legal right to give my opinion on these fanciful shoes. Shout out to Jason for giving me these precious babies. By far my most favorite birthday present to date!

In honor of being truthful to Truthful Wednesdays, I am gonna give you gals the skinny on Louboutins and here it is…


Yes, you read that correctly. They are beyond stunning, but “comfort” is not an adjective that will ever describe these heels. Granted, that may be because I have a 100mm heel {aka about 4 inches} heel. Nonetheless. They are not comfortable. My friend and hair stylist Brittany described them best, “Louboutins are sit down and be pretty shoes.” I could not agree more. I wore my Louboutins to a two-hour standup event a few months ago and I swear my feet almost died. I got lots of compliments, which was cool, but I was semi-dying on the inside. It took every bit of me to not hobble out of the event. LOL. I have countlessly worn them to sit down events and really didn’t have any pain problems…again…because they are sit down and be pretty shoes!

The Skinny on Louboutins | Live Love and Read

So, if you are anything like me, you may be wondering, “Well, are they really worth it?” And to be honest, I say, YES and here’s why:

1. They are CLASSIC: They are the most perfect shade of nude, the point is perfectly pointed…need I say more? Every woman needs a classic go-to heel that will stand the test of time. Any classic silhouette pump by Christian Louboutin is going to give you that value. And yes, making a purchase of this capacity needs to add value to your wardrobe. If not, why buy them?

2. They make you feel SEXY: There’s just something about a good pair of shoes that makes a woman feel sexy! Between the added height and super elongated legs, I seriously feel like a million dollars when I put on these shoes. I don’t really know how to describe it, but no other shoe I own makes me feel as comfortable, confident and sexy as I do when I wear these out!

3. They are LUXURIOUS: Painful or not, I firmly believe that every woman should have the opportunity to experience luxury! It truly is an EXPERIENCE. The craftsmanship and quality of these Louboutins are BEYOND.

Now, please know that I am not excusing the fact that these are $700 shoes and/or encouraging you to go spend $700 right this moment. I am a firm believer that every “large” purchase should be methodically thought-out and realistically based on your means. So, if you have been pondering on investing in these, I say go for it! Despite the lack of comfort, they are lovely shoes that give you the best toe cleveage {yes, that’s a thing} on the planet!

The sizing on Louboutins is definitely a little strange, so I strongly encourage that you go to a specialty retailer who carries the line and get fitted properly. As you may have imagined, they are a bit narrow and sadly that tends to be the case with most Italian footwear. Try your actual size, as well as a size down and a size up. This will help you gage what size you actually need. Like most people, I have one foot that is longer than the other, so I sized up rather than selecting my actual size, due to the narrowness of the shoe. It took a couple of trips to the Saks shoe parlor and a few size orders to get a handle on which ones I really wanted…but I am glad I did it that way or else I would not feel as comfortable about my purchase. When making luxury purchases, you should feel 175% comfortable and certain with your purchase.

The Skinny on Louboutins | Live Love and Read
The Skinny on Louboutins | Live Love and Read
Now that we’ve covered the basics of Louboutins, I wanted to give you gals a few tips on care! The best way to create longevity in your wardrobe is by taking care of your goods! From the clothes to the handbags to the shoes…it’s all about care. Here are a couple of things to consider when caring for Louboutins or any other fanciful shoes:
1. Get them SOLED: Taking the time to get your Louboutins rubber soled before consistently wearing them will not only protect the sole, but it will also increase the comfort level! After doing a little research, I happened upon the Leather Spa based in NYC and they have the ability to give you red rubber soles so they match your red bottoms! Pretty groovy. The cost is about $75 and they included a complimentary polish that was the BOMB! Definitely worth it! I will only ever send my designer shoes to them.

2. Store them PROPERLY: I am fairly certain this is self-explanatory. Just keep them in a place where they are not going to be overly cold or overly hot. I keep mine in the actual box that I received them in. Additionally, I restuff the shoe with its tissue paper and every thing to keep them in tip-top form/shape! When traveling, BE SURE TO TRANSPORT THEM IN A DUSTER BAG! In fact, I do this when I travel with any shoe that cost me more than $75 bucks…again…I want longevity!

3. Replace your HEEL TIPS: Once those heel tips wear down, take them in for repair immediately. Christian Louboutin includes a complimentary pair in your order. I have yet to replace mine, but I’ve had bad experiences with not replacing heel hips. Just do it. It is likely that I will send them to the Leather Spa when I am ready for that service.

4. Don’t just where them ANYWHERE: With designer shoes, you must consider where you are wearing them. Often times I wear a pair of flats out of the house and simply slip into them when I arrive at my destination. You should AVOID streets with brick, cobblestone, bridges or random roads with cracks…they will destroy your heel tips and the lower portion of your heel! Also, I would say avoid escalators if you can. I recently got mine stuck in the tread of an escalator and it ruined the leather some. But heck, how was I supposed to know!The Skinny on Louboutins | Live Love and Read

Soooo…there you have it…the skinny on Louboutins! If you have more specific questions for me, drop a comment down below and I will address it for ya! Also, I DO NOT plan on owning an entire closet full of Louboutins, here are a couple of my favs right now:



  1. Louboutins were always on my dream-list and I know I am going to own a pair or two (or more lol) someday, I am just little afraid of the pain that every woman is talking about, as I am not too good with wearing heels for longer periods of time 🙂
    Jill D Blog

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