Unorthodox Fourth | Live Love and Read

Unorthodox Fourth | Live Love and Read

Unorthodox Fourth | Live Love and Read

Unorthodox Fourth | Live Love and Read

Unorthodox Fourth | Live Love and Read

Unorthodox Fourth | Live Love and Read

Unorthodox Fourth | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES  Kimberly J Photography

First things first…when did July get here? Summer is basically over and it just started. Secondly, it’s 4th of July weekend. I’m excited for a weekend of coca cola, grilled hot dogs, tasty treats and of course, some sun. When it comes to 4th of July, I am all about dressing up in patriotic colors. I mean, it’s the American thing to do! This year I waited a tad bit too late to find a nice dress, because I literally could not find ANYTHING, ANYWHERE. Raeleigh, my niece, and I shopped a great deal this past week and couldn’t find a single thing in my size or the correct colors. Feeling slightly defeated, I decided it was time to get creative.

My creativity led me to a bit of an unorthodox look, as it is in black. But hey, black and navy can look pretty similar sometimes depending on the lighting. To ensure that this getup had a patriotic tone, I incorporated red. Lots and lots of red! Oh, and of course, white Chuck Taylor’s! For a little Candace flare, I completed the look by adding a cardigan and my go-to satchel!

Ok, I’m off to enjoy the weekend! Happy 4th and I will meet you back here next week with more style wanderlust.

Get The Look: 


  1. I love this casual look! So perfect for a family/friends BBQ 🙂 & I love the feminine touch of red & pearls!!

    I have a dress similar to this (grey & blue). I’m totally taking your style tips into consideration 😀

  2. Ok. This will be one of favorites. I gotta pin this one. I love black and white and stripes! Look how you paired this with the cap and sneaks. So refreshing and chic! Good job!

  3. Loving the dress and chucks together!

    Im convinced you could wear converse with any outfit and it’d be amazing.



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