What's In My Bag IMAGE  Kimberly J Photography

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I’ve been wanting to do a “what’s in my bag” post for quite some time. However, I was a little apprehensive, because I don’t have all of the fabulous things that most well-known bloggers have in their handbags! I would love to have those things, but that just isn’t my reality, which is one of the reasons why I started this blog. I wanted to showcase practical, everyday fashion with the occasional high-priced items. Let’s just be honest for a second, most of us will NEVER purchase a handbag that’s more than $500 (and $500 is even a stretch for some). So with that being said, here’s a “real” look inside my bag. Worn and all.

What’s in your bag? Am I missing anything essential? Drop a comment below and let me know.

Happy Tuesday! xoxo, CR


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