When Summer & Fall Collide... | Live Love and Read

When Summer & Fall Collide... | Live Love and Read

When Summer & Fall Collide... | Live Love and Read

When Summer & Fall Collide... | Live Love and Read

When Summer & Fall Collide... | Live Love and Read

When Summer & Fall Collide... | Live Love and Read

When Summer & Fall Collide... | Live Love and Read

When Summer & Fall Collide... | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES ROOSEVELT GROUP

Here’s a quick look back at a little something I wore to the recent blogger soiree I hosted at The Kitchen Columbus. It was during that week that we were basically still living out of boxes, so I just put my hands on what I could and made this outfit work. I’m not gonna lie, it’s totally one of my favorites now. One of the things I love most about style its ability to be completely spontaneous. Some of my best look are made in those last minute moments of outfit despair. Any who, I just wanted to share this look as promised via Instagram. I’m gonna bolt because I am determined to make today and the rest of this week crazy productive…my list of to do’s has NEVER been longer.

Happy Monday <3

Get The Look: 


  1. As a fellow Ohioan, I wanted to THANK you for doing this post. I have been so frustrated lately reading blogs by folks who live in a climate that is essentially a single season. I’d love to pare down my wardrobe into a capsule, but when I have to wear a winter coat in May because it’s snowing outside, that’s a real challenge. Any tips you have would be much appreciated. And by the way, you look fabulous!!

    1. Thank you for commenting! The thought of winter has me crying already…I hate that we have to wear jackets for sooooo friggin’ long. Despite having to wear a jacket for a decent majority of the year, I think you can still do a wardrobe capsule! I’ll defintely be brainstorming on some ideas for ya!

      xoxo, CR

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