Windy Bliss | Live Love and Read

Windy Bliss | Live Love and Read

Windy Bliss |Live Love and Read

Windy Bliss | Live Love and Read

Windy Bliss | Live Love and Read

Windy Bliss | Live Love and Read

Windy Bliss | Live Love and Read ALL IMAGES  Kimberly J Photography

Spring is finally here. As I write this blog post, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the wind is blowing. Yup, I would say that’s spring. And speaking of wind, I want to be a bit more personal in today’s post. I’m learning that there is such a beauty and freedom in transparency, and I would really like to share that with you guys!  If one of my crazy life stories helps just one of my readers, then mission accomplished. While the primary focus of this blog is about style, I also desire this blog to be a representation of reality! And in order for it to be reality, I have to be REAL and willing to share the not so glamorous aspects of life.  Let’s just say, I have way more not so glamorous moments than glamorous..and that’s just life.

Let’s rewind to the last two weeks…a few of you maybe remember that in my last blog post, I mentioned taking some time off and here’s why…

On Easter Sunday I received a not so exciting call from mom. She called to let me know that my grandaddy was not doing too well. While I knew in my heart what she was telling me, I wasn’t ready for that to be my reality. My grandaddy was not only my granddad, but he was my father,  he was my mentor, and he was my friend. He was that one person that I knew believed in me when no else did or would. Despite my desire of not wanting him to leave, I called him just a couple of hours after I initially spoke with my mom and said my goodbyes as well as giving him permission to rest if he so desired (just in case).  After making the call, I was quite sad, but I also felt an overwhelming sense of peace.

On the Monday after Easter, at approximately the same time, I received the call from my mom. Just two days later, I flew down south to be with my family. And whew, those were some of the hardest, yet most blissful days of life. Lots of crying. Lots of laughter.  The days seemed to run together until it was finally the day. However, as that day concluded, I began to feel that same sense of overwhelming peace in my heart that I felt when I last spoke with him.  There is truly a peace in knowing that he believed, he loved, and he forgave.

I wanted to share this to say, sometimes life presents us with some pretty windy seasons. In fact, they feel so windy you have no idea how you will endure, and just as you begin to give up, you find a peace that surpasses all understanding. That, my friends, is bliss. The next time life’s wind storm blows your way, look for the peace because it’s there. You just have to find!

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