New Year's Eve Lipstick Inspo | Live Love and Read

New Year's Eve Lipstick Inspo | Live Love and Read

New Year's Eve Lipstick Inspo | Live Love and Read

New Year's Eve Lipstick Inspo | Live Love and Read

New Year's Eve Lipstick Inspo | Live Love and Read

New Year's Eve Lipstick Inspo | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES  Kimberly J Photography

My love for lipstick started at a very young age! In fact, I remember the first tube of lipstick that I ever purchased (well, my mom purchased it for me). I was 8 years old and it was a very bright red by Jane and I wore it for my school pictures, along with a red ballon dress and a turtleneck. Oh, the memories and yes, I will attempt to find that picture, so I can share with you all. I’m sure you will get a good laugh at little Candace. However, it was at a young age that I learned lipstick was the easiest way to spice up an outfit. Lipstick has the power to take an outfit from drab to fab in like 2.5 seconds. For the last year, I’ve been trying to be more purposeful and intentional in my shopping. Shopping less and reusing/restyling what is already hanging in my closet, which proved to be a bit difficult in the beginning, because I LOVE TO SHOP! In my quest to be more practical, I was reminded of how easily lipstick can change an outfit. I share all of this to say, I’m not buying anything special for New Year’s, as I have a closet full of clothes that need to be reworn. However, I will be jazzing up my look with a little lipstick. I have fallen madly in love with Stila Cosmetics and all of their lush lip colors. Here are a couple of great colors by Stila that would be perfect for NYE, depending on your look for the evening. So, if you were feeling the pressure to purchase something sparkly for the new year, I would encourage you to consider repurposing and simply snagging a tube of Stila lipstick. Trust me, you will save a great deal of time and money. And oh yes, you’ll have a fab tube of lipstick.

“I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick.”

                                                                                           -Audrey Hepburn

And the moment that you’ve all been waiting for…the Delicate Raymond giveaway winners! I’m excited to share that there were over 200 entries (THANK YOU) and that the following ladies will receive their very own 30 inch Vintage Monogram: Rachel H., Allison VanFossan Taylor and Sara Whetsell. Ladies, if you could please e-mail your mailing address and desired inital to, that would be awesome. For those of you who are bummed about not winning…there is still a tiny bit of hope! Michelle is kindly offering 20% OFF (with the exception of sale items) for you guys! The code is “LLR20” and will be valid thru Wednesday, December 31st.

Merry “Almost” Christmas!

Get The Look Details: 

This post is kindly brought to you by Stila Cosmetics. All thoughts and opinions remain my own. 


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