
“Healthy hair, healthy hair,” is all I seem to hear these days! At first I was slightly annoyed by the movement, but that was only because I was frustrated and completely unsure of how to achieve…healthy hair! Well, I have come to discover that it is not as difficult as I thought it would be.  The hardest part of the process is simply making the decision and committing to it! With lots of advice and recommendations from various “hair” friends, I have been on the journey of achieving healthy hair since the end of May!  I have seen tremendous growth and couldn’t be more excited to see where this process takes me. With all of that being said…I wanted to take a moment and share some of the wondtacular products and tips that I have been using and that can be used for a variety of hair types to help you achieve glorious healthy hair!

Great Hair Products You Should TRY!

  1. Simplicity Hair Oil – Where do I even begin? This oil blend is pure awesomeness in a bottle. Not only does it smell great, but it actually produces awesome results. The all natural blend helps unmanageable hair become manageable! Whether it is dry, slow growing or just plain dead..this product revives! Mine is a daily go to. Some would consider it pricey…but I am hear to tell you, it is well worth the investment. Oh yes, they will be releasing a shampoo and conditioner very soon…cannnot wait!!
  2. Salon Grafix Invisible Dry Shampoo – Where would the hair world be without dry shampoo?! lol. Just a super easy and quick way to make those oily roots not so oily. Although this is a hair washing life saver, it is important that you follow the directions…so please read them for optimum results!
  3. Silk Elements Megasilk Olive Heat Protectant Spray – Well, it is no surprise that I have an African American hair texture…lol. So for black hair it is SUPER DUPER IMPORTANT that we use heat protectant spray, considering how fragile our hair is from chemicals. What I love most about this particular heat protectant is that it has an olive oil base. So not only is my hair protected, but it is also being moisturized. Double product bonus.
  4. Organix Moroccan Sea Salt Spray – Looking to achieve that effortless, yet messy beach wave curl? If so, then this is the product for you. You can spray it on wet or dry hair and it works beautifully.  With this product I would have to say that less is more…so only use a little bit!
  5. Ojon Restorative Finishing Spray – Every woman wants her hair to have that nice glossy shine. If your hair is anything like mine, that beautiful shine typically last from 1 to 4 days after I’ve had a visit to the hair salon or just washed it myself. With the Ojon Restorative Finishing Spray I am able to achieve that “shiny hair” look more often! I really enjoy using this product on the days that I use Salon Grafix Invisible Dry Shampoo (aka dirty hair days!). It really helps me achieve that look of freshly washed hair!
  6. Nutrilite Natural Vitamin B Complex – When shopping for the perfect hair vitamin, I would encourage that you look for a “Vitamin B Complex.” As you may already know, the different Vitamin B’s are pretty awesome vitamins by themselves, however when all of the various B class vitamins are grouped together they become a POWERHOUSE. Vitamin B encourages hair growth, thickness and shine.
  7. Lots and Lots of Water – As we have heard for most of our lives, “You need to drink more water!” Although you may not want to hear it, this is indeed true, especially if you want to increase hair growth! Lack of water will cause the hair growing cells to not reproduce as a result of hair dehydration, which will then cause the natural hair growth cycle to either slow down tremendously or stop altogether!  With that in mind, always try to drink at least 1.9 liters of water per day. It takes discipline to say no to the sweet tea with lemon or the ice cold coke cola, but you can do it! The results of drinking water is so worth it. Not only does it increase hair growth, but it simply is better for your body.

And there you have it my friends…just a few hair products that have proven themselves to be amazingly awesome! Give them a whirl and please share your results!


  1. This is a great tip especially to those fresh to the blogosphere.
    Simple but very precise information… Appreciate your sharing this one.

    A must read post!

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