Red Lips by Stila | Live Love and Read

Red Lips by Stila | Live Love and Read

Red Lips by Stila | Live Love and Read

Red Lips by Stila | Live Love and Read

Red Lips by Stila | Live Love and ReadALL IMAGES  Kimberly J Photography

As many of you know, I am completely and utterly obsessed with lip products by Stila Cosmetics (see previous post HERE and HERE). From formula to colors, Stila just knows how to make a mean lipstick. I have been so pleased with their products that I have thrown away more than the majority of my lipsticks by other brands and replaced them with Stila colors.

While I love all of Stila’s lip products, I have grown particularly fond of the stay all day liquid lipstick. I’m all about everyday practicality.  So naturally, I love the idea of applying lipstick only once throughout the course of a day.  When Stila reached out and asked if I would be willing to try a few of their other lip colors for the stay all day line, I of course, said YES!

Rather than combining all of the colors I received into one post, I decided to break it up a bit! Today, I just want to chat about red lips! Of all the various lipstick colors, red lips appears to be the most common color to wear, as well as the most frightening color to try. I remember when I made the decision to start wearing lipstick again…for some reason, I just could not bring myself to wear a red. I was absolutely terrified, but I wasn’t sure why. After days and days of thinking about my apprehension to red lipstick, I realized that I was simply lacking confidence.  I was afraid of not living up to the red lipstick standard. By that I mean, while growing up, we all watched the movies with the beautiful woman who wore red lipstick everyday (and no, I cannot think of a specific movie example). As the movie progressed, we learned that the woman with the red lips is bold. She’s confident. She’s fearless. She’s courageous. She’s unstoppable. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I think I was afraid of not being those things, which is why I avoided red lipstick like the plague. But as I began to think about my life, I realized that I am bold. I am confident. I am fearless. I am courageous. I am unstoppable. It’s not the lipstick that defines these characteristics, its the woman who wears the lipstick.

I share all of this to say, despite your personal style or size of your lips, you can indeed wear red lipstick (or any color lipstick for that matter). You simply have to have the confidence to put it on. And oh yes, just because one shade of lipstick doesn’t look quite right on you, doesn’t mean that you should give up! Keep searching until you find one, because there is one out there for YOU!

Embrace the red. Embrace you.

Get The Look Details: 

This post is kindly brought to you by Stila Cosmetics. All thoughts and opinions remain my own. 


  1. I love the color red on you. It looks fantastic. My favorite movie with red lips is “Pretty Woman” with Julia Roberts.

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